In Puerto Rico 16 is when you are able to get your drivers license and at 18 you are able to vote.
Federal courts should stop legislating from the bench and imposing their POV over that of the representatives of the people. Provision to recall and vote out judges needs to be enacted. Provision to overturn decisions based on the fact that they usurped legislative function, needs to be enacted. Juries should be the final authority in trial courts. The Juries should hold the judge in contempt if he tries to be their boss. Neither just follow the law as written if they don't like it get it changed they shouldn't rewrite the law to suit their on opinions!
This answer was from another student. Copyright proofed.
In the United States congress, there are two houses. The senate and the house of representatives. Each state has two senators (which go to the senate). However, each state has a different number of representatives based on population in that state.
Motion is the mode of existence of matter. ... It is not introduced from outside but is included in matter, which is not inert but active. Motion is self-motion in the sense that the tendency, the impulse to change of state is inherent in matter itself: it is its own cause.
Two ways how destructive relationships influence your well-being as opposed to constructive relationships.. Explanation: Destructive relationship occurs when one individual manipulates the other individual physically, emotionally and mentally causing great distress and disturbance.
Typically, within a constructive relationship, there's going to be more open communication, a willingness to sit down and talk about the issues, listen to the other party, perhaps take responsibility for something on your part that you did that you may have helped cause a conflict, a dispute, a misunderstanding.