HTML is an acronym for hypertext markup language and it is a standard programming language which is used for designing, developing and creating web pages.
Generally, all HTML documents are divided into two (2) main parts; body and head. The head contains information such as version of HTML, title of a page, metadata, link to custom favicons and CSS etc. The body of a HTML document contains the contents or informations that a web page displays.
In this scenario, Roger wants to give semantic meaning (an element conveying informations about the type of content contained within an opening and closing tag) to a contact information placed at the bottom of a webpage. Thus, in order to do this, he should use a footer element as a parent of the contact information and as such all instance variables that have been used or declared in the footer class (superclass) would be present in its contact information (subclass object).
The missing code to this question is g.
In this question firstly import packages. Then declaration of the class Test that inherits the JApplet. In this class, we declare the default constructor. In this constructor, we call the add function. Then we declare another class that is SquarePanel. This class inherits JPanel. In this class, we define a method that is paintComponent(). In this method, we define an integer variable. In this method, we perform calculations and pass it to another function that is displaySquares(). In this function, we pass the value as the arguments. So in question the missing code or argument is g.
for (char outerChar='a'; outerChar<='e'; outerChar++){
for (char innerChar='a'; innerChar<='e'; innerChar++){
cout << outerChar << innerChar << "\n";
The following code is written in Python and creates a tuple of 5 integer numbers and then prints out the tuple. Tuples are immutable objects meaning that they cannot be changed at all. Therefore, they have no append methods and cannot have any values added or removed so the last two tasks of this question are impossible to accomplish.
my_tuple = (2, 5, 7, 9, 6)