Written numerically, the number you stated is written as:
Standard Form (Scientific Notation) numbers are written as a decimal (n.m) such that there is [normally] only one digit (n) to the left of the decimal point, and the rest of the number (m) to the right (with a possible limit). If there is only a single digit in the whole number then the value on the right is a zero (n.0).
To show that the value shown has shifted its decimal point position, the number of decimal positions shifted is shown after the number as a 10’s multiplied to the power of the number of positions shifted.
e.g., 102 = 102.0 = 1.02 (decimal point shifted left two places. If smallest digit is 0 then ignore it UNLESS it’s the ONLY digit!!)
1.02*10^2(2 Decimal shift to the left)
So, for the number asked in the question:
5,004,300 = 5,004,300.0
Left shift 6 times to largest digit = 5.004300
5.004300 (show the shift multiplier: 10^6)
((4 choose 3)·(48 choose 2) + (4 choose 4)·(48 choose 1)) / (52 choose 5) = 19/10829 = 0.0018

an is the 'nth' term
a1 is first term
d=common difference (found by doing

n=numerical representation of which term
Step-by-step explanation:
Caution: you need to use the same units of measurement throughout. If the spring stretches by 21 cm when a 135 newton object is attached, then you must ask for the mass (in newtons) of a fish that would stretch the spring by 62.1 cm.
We will need to assume that the spring is not stretched at all if and when no object is attached to the spring.
Write the ratio
21.0 cm 135 newtons
------------- = --------------------
62.1 cm x
Solve this for x. This x value represents the mass of a fish that would stretch the spring by 62.1 cm. You can cancel "cm" in the equation above:
21.0 135 newtons
------ = --------------------
62.1 x
Then 21.0x = (62.1)(135 newtons). Divide both sides of this equation by 21.0 to solve it for x.