Answer: the rate of pollination of flower, in a field next to a pond with no fish, will DECREASE.
POLLINATION is defined as the process by which flowering plants, through the aid of external agents such as insects,wind, water and other animals, are able to transfer pollen grains from an anther to a receptive stigma. Insects are the most common pollinators. They visit flowers to obtain nectar and pollen as source of food. Flowers use various features, such as colour and scent, to attract and guide insects to the food source within them. In the process of reaching their source of food, insects bring about pollination.
From the study conducted by scientist in Florida, eight(8) ponds where subjected to the the study. The first four (4) ponds had species of fishes that fed on dragonflies and dragonfly larvae, hence the reason for a decrease in the population of the dragon flies in the area around it. While the remaining four (4) ponds had NO fish and the area around it is populated with dragonflies and dragonfly larvae. This is so because of the absence of fish.
It was then noted that the dragon lies fed of the insect pollinators such as the bees and butterflies. Since these dragonflies and its larvae are abundant in the field which is close to the pond with no fish, they will grossly depend on the insect pollinators as their source of food thereby decreasing the rate of pollination in the field next to the pond with no fish.
The secondary immune response is the immune response when the same antigen , memory cells that was encountered before is remembered and the immune system make antibodies to counter it.
There is a difference between the primary immune response and secondary immune response.
In the primary immune response occur when the immune system encountered an antigen for the first time which lead to the generation of memory cells and and the B cells with the T cells produce antibodies.
While the secondary immune response occur when the same antigen that was encountered the first time is encountered the second time and it lead to the stimulation of memory cells to produce more and high quantities of antibodies to fight foreign substances.
Perfectly in theory, except there is chance involved
The Punnet square is a diagram that allows scientists to predict the possible outcomes of the offspring when the genotypes of the parents are known. This is in line with Mendel's principles, and from a theoretical point of view would match up perfectly. However, it all works based on <em>probability</em>.
However, inheritance is always down to chance. Of your parents 2 alleles, you always have 50:50 chance of inheriting one of the allele. Overall, this is what is predicted in punnet squares.
However, think about flipping a coin. There is always 50:50 chance of getting heads, but that doesn't mean it is impossible to flip a coin and get tails 10 x in a row. It is just less likely. So in reality, observations might deviate from the theory.
Acetyl-Coa + 3 NAD + + Q + GDP + Pi + 2H2O >
CoA-SH + 3 NADH + 3 H + + QH2 + GTP + 2 CO2