In order for the profit to be zero, the quantity of tacos produced must be greater than 210/3.25 = 64.615.
Therefore a small profit will be made when 65 tacos are produced, to wit:
3.25*65 = 211.25, less costs of $210, yields a profit of 1.25 on a quantity of 65 tacos
Answer: it is x=5/7 or x=-5/7
Cant answer
Step-by-step explanation:
Depending on the option choices and without seeing the option choices I can give you an idea of how to solve this.
Using y=mx+b we can find the y intercept by knowing that B is the value of the y Intercept
Step-by-step explanation:
subtract llol
first 1
x . y
1 . 2
3 . 4 rewrite =y/x
do for the rest bye