The restoration of function of a joint is called Arthroplasty. The bone functions are restored by maintaining the bones through resurfacing. Some times artificial joints are also used instead of resurfacing the existing bones.
Arthroplasty is a method to cure Osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease where joint cartilages reduces with age.
Also when medical treatments no longer make any impact on the joints of bone pain then Arthroplasty is done.
D. rigidity and shape that's why in plants they stand upright for photosynthetic process.
Since they are now able to genetically isolate favorable traits they can "clone" prize-winning livestock and make the production as efficient as possible
The lack of natural light, the temperature, and the high levels of hydrostatic pressure.
Hope this helps
<span>Synaptic cleft or the terminal buttons that transmits neurotransmitters to the next neuron, received by its dendrites and is relayed now throughout the system until it reaches the brain.
The messages must travel the distance of the nerves to the brain which are processed and made decisions, from the distance of the nerves from the sense organs, then travel back to the muscles that need to respond through the nerves.<span> </span></span>