<em>The programming language in Python is as follows:-</em>
#Prompt user for input string
userinput = input("Enter a string: ")
#Print the last character of the input
print("The last character is "+userinput[-1])
#End of Program
This line is a comment
#Prompt user for input string
This line prompts user for input
userinput = input("Enter a string: ")
This line is also a comment
#Print the last character of the input
This next line prints the last character of the input string; the last character is defined by the index -1
print("The last character is "+userinput[-1])
I believe it is ‘A’
The Format Painter feature copies only the formatting from one selected text to another. The content and text of the selection will not be copied using Format Painter.
Currently, raster (bitmap files) and vector graphics are used in web design. But if you want to make a great logo and fully enjoy the use of it you should pick vector graphics for it in the first place. And this is why most designers opt for it.
- Easier to re-edit
- No image distortion
- It is perfect for detailed images
- Vector drawings are scalable
- Vector graphics look better in print
To avoid privacy these copyright is been implemented. If copyright is not implemented software company such as Microsoft, Google cannot run the organization so that software has copyright and licenses and they protect from software privacy.
Since the world is digital world all software are available in internet for download and end user will not pay for software and use the software without purchasing from software development industries.
Even software are protected with key, hacker write the tool to brakes the key, so end user easily use these tools and generate the key and user it.
So that software company use Digital millennium copyright act, so that end user can arrested for missing the software’s.
You can enter a URL that (B) Uses localhost as the domain name
Localhost refers to your computer or the computer that is currently in use.
To run a PHP application that is deployed on your computer, the localhost (which has an IP address of is used.
The IP address is called a "loopback" address because all data sent or received revolve around the local computer.