Continuance of freedoms in the future. For example, by having access to text messages, police can find out whether any terrorist attacks are being plotted. This ensures that people aren't hurt. Yet, reading through text messages is seen as an infringement of privacy, which many view as an individuals right
GPS lets u know where u and locations are
The answer is D. The dog sits when Marty opens the cupboard.
The dog's behavior if described by the behaviorist perspective, would be described in terms of a stimulus and a response, the stimulus occurs when Marty opens the cupboard and the response is that the dog sits; therefore, in terms of a stimulus and a response, the dog sits when Marty opens the cupboard.
Pluralist state-The pluralist theory of the state has a very clear liberal lineage. It stems
from the belief that the state acts as an ‘umpire’ or ‘referee’ in society.
Capitalist State-The Marxist notion of a capitalist state offers a clear alternative to the
pluralist image of the state as a neutral arbiter or umpire.
Leviathan State-The image of the state as a ‘leviathan’ (in effect, a self-serving monster
intent on expansion and aggrandizement) is one associated in modern
politics with the New Right.
Patriarchal State-Modern thinking about the state must, finally, take account of the
implications of feminist theory.