First, take three off it, because that will form the whole-number part:
3.92 = 3 + 0.92
Next, read off the place value of the last digit. The 2 is in the 'hundredths' column, which means that 0.92 = 92/100:
3.92 = 3 + 92/100
Finally, simplify 92/100 by dividing top and bottom by 4 to get 23/25. Then, shove it all together:
3.92 = 3 23/25
Answer: The Pacing Method:
Use Edulastic to help convey weekly expectations and track student progress along the way
You can set up Edulastic to function as your check-in-tool with students, and Edulastic will help you in gathering student data during this process (#Edulasticforthewin!). This can help in estimating student participation grades and preparing reports to supervisors. It can also help with pacing and students staying on task.
When I was a high school science teacher I would structure “Check ins” with my students on written handouts that students had to present to me for my signature (upon meeting and discussing project updates, hearing feedback from me etc.). If I had access to Edulastic tools then, I could have instead coordinated these check ins digitally and privately using Edulastic. They could check-in on their own time, at home or at school. That makes things a heck of a lot more efficient than having students form a line waiting to talk to me at my desk! You can set this up to occur at the every other day mark, weekly mark, biweekly, or even monthly mark depending upon length and scope of a project in place.
Check out how this might look in Edulastic:
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
If the radius of a circle is doubled, the area of the circle will be quadrupled and the circumference will also be doubled. This makes sense because the area of a circle is directly proportional to the square of the radius of the circle (if the radius of a circle is increased x times, its area will be increased to x^2 times the original area), whereas the circumference is proportional to the size of the radius (if the radius of a circle is increased x times, its circumference will increase x times).
There are 1,000 millimeters in one meter.