In case a vehicle equipped with intelligent all wheel drive begins to lose traction, the system can direct the excessive power of the engine towards the wheels to help the driver gain back control over the vehicle.
- The all wheel drive technology found in the modern automobile is capable of powering all the for wheels with the power dispensed by the engine.
- This technology offers better grip and traction on inclined slopes as all the four wheels receive the power required to keep the balance of the vehicle, directly from the engine.
The two types of criminal murder are murder and manslaughter. However, the latter, while unlawful, it does not involve malice or an intention to kill or even seriously harm the person. Manslaughter does not also involve any reckless disregard for the life of the individual and hence always involves no malice aforethought. They can be labelled as excusable or justifiable homicides, but the moral blame for manslaughter is less than that of first or second degree murder.
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