Yes 15 kilometers is 1500000 cm
This is because in metric conversion, you multiply by ten each time you convert to the next unit.
Heres a useful way to remember
K ing (kilo)
H enry (hecto)
D oesn't (deca)
U sually (unit) <-metre, litre ect.
D rink ( deci)
C hocolate (centi)
M ilk (milli)
To find the percent. A trick I learned in middle school was Dr. P
To turn a decimal to a percent and a percent to decimal... (look at picture)
Using that trick...
All you do is multiply $287.69 by .20
Which gives you $57.538 so you can round to either...
And one of those are your answer!
48. B and 47 is out of c and b
Answer: 6 candies
Step-by-step explanation: her friends + her = 12 and 72/12 is 6
You have to flip the last fraction and multiple both the top by the top and the bottom by the bottom then you have to simply but just look that up or ask your teacher.