there are two types of nomenclature used in organic system. the most widely used and universally accepted system of nomenclature is the IUPAC system of nomenclature. some compounds are referred to by their common name that existed before the IUPAC system or is more widely known than the IUPAC names.
IUPAC ( international union of pure and applied chemistry) system of nomenclature is used to name compounds in organic system. there are some principles to be followed while using this nomenclature. some of them are:-
1) identification of parent chain is the first step. the longest hydrocarbon chain is the parent chain.
2) identification of all the substituent groups of the parent chain is also required.
3) hydrocarbon cyclic ring has a fixed prefix and that is cyclo.
When we write a formula of a compound in its simplest form, it is empirical formula.
Given the molecular formula is = C₁₈H₃₆
Now we can relate both empirical and molecular formula as;
Molecular formula = n x empirical formula
C₁₈H₃₆ = 18 x CH₂
So the empirical formula of C₁₈H₃₆ is CH₂
Physical geography is one of the two fields of geography. Physical geography is the branch of natural science which deals with the processes and patterns in the natural environment such as the atmosphere