<u>Florida revoked </u><u>36872 </u><u>drivers licenses for DUI in a one-year period from 2009 to 2010.</u>
The word DUI means Driver under influence. This influence is usually under alcohol or any other drug. A DUI arrest means when someone is caught driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. One can still get a DWI if one is pulled over for some reason other than erratic driving. 120 days minimum mandatory jail and up to one year jail maximum may be imposed for DUI but it depends on state to state laws.
the variable used in a loop to control the number of timer is executed is called a interaction.
a particular way in which matter, fields, and atomic and subatomic particles affect one another
Answer: Wider channel bandwidth has several downside or disadvantages to it. Some of these are as follow:
a) Higher channel bandwidth means lower will be the number of channels being utilized.
b) Wider bandwidth may lead to an increase in the speed but on the other hand, it'll lead to several interference problems.
The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.
This program is written in C++.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string word;// variable for taking user input
int cond;// to set condition true if user preses the stop and exit from loop
cout<<"Enter word: \n";
do// start while loop
if(word=="stop" || word =="STOP" || word == "Stop")// if user enter word stop, then program exit
else//otherwise loop continue
cout<<" You Entered "+ word +"\n";
cout<<"Enter word: \n";
while(cond == 1);// if user don't enter word "stop" loop run continuesly.
cout<<"Program exit";
return 0;
This may be a difficult thing to do so for anyone to ACTUALLY answer this you migghttt want to up the amount of points you get for answering maybe, 20-40 points.