Archimedes found a piece of gold and a piece of silver with exactly the same mass. He dropped the gold into a bowl filled to the brim with water and measured the volume of water that spilled out. Then he did the same thing with the piece of solver. Although both metals had the same mass, the silver gad a larger volume; therefore, it displaced more water than the gold did. That's because the silver was less dense than gold. Afterwards he applied the same method to the crown for the king he served who had got a new crown from a jeweler who gave it to him. Archimedes found a piece of pure gold that had the same mass as the crown. He placed the pure gold chuck and the crown in water, one at a time. The crown displaced more water the piece of gold. Therefore, its density was less than pure gold.
The tactile system is actually made up of two distinct skin senses;
protective and the discriminative system. The function of the protective system
is to alert us to harmful stimuli. The receptors of the system are the hairs of
our skin, head and genitals. The discriminative system is to show us what we
are touching, where on our bodies is touching us and what are touching us. The receptors
for his system are the hands, fingers, soles of feet and mouth and tongue.
Answer: <u>Centrifugal Force </u>
The force that pulls out from the center on a body in circular motion is called centrifugal force and it increases with acceleration. Centrifugal force results in strong outward pull on your vehicle.