A pile of Shells? I'm not sure but I believe maybe you're looking for the word leftovers or scraps.
B. The children beg to play outside.
Anita Desai's short story "The Twilight Games" tells us about a group of children eagerly waiting for a sunset so they can come out and play. Bored and suffocated from spending the whole day inside, they beg their mother to let them out. Although they promised to stay in front of the house, on the veranda, until the sun completely sets, as soon as they got out, they start the game of hide and seek, running all over the neighborhood.
Having found a convenient place to hide, in the garage, the youngest boy, Ravi, is assured that he secured his win in the game.
However, he had stayed inside for too long, so when he finally came out, declaring victory, he found other children playing another game (acting out a funeral) completely forgetting about him.
Noun: a place, person or a thing.
1. Five
2. Teenager
3. Car
E. reinforce the author’s overarching claim about ordinary people’s capacity for success
Answer E
Correct. A base metal is a metal of little monetary value, as opposed to a precious metal like gold. In stating that “from apparently the basest metals we have the finest toned bells,” the author asserts that a material that is considered worthless can nevertheless become the medium for the beautiful sound of a high-quality bell. He notes that people who are not valued by society (“simple manhood,” “dregs of society”) can similarly achieve great things sometimes. He then observes that steel objects and rusty razors can actually improve in quality after being left “neglected and forgotten” in the dirt, reflecting that the most marginalized and maligned of people (“the lowly and despised”) can similarly become agents of “improvement and progress” for the world. The comparison between metals and people thus reinforces the author’s thesis that people who do not seem to possess great talent or many advantages can still achieve extraordinary things (“excellence often comes unheralded and from unexpected quarters”).