The movement of the plates,and the activity inside the earth, is called plate tectonics.
<em>Legislative Process
In the United States. Congress, either the House of Representatives or the Senate initiates legislation. Nevertheless, revenue, budgets and tax bills will come from the Senate.
Assuming that a member of the House of Representatives has an idea for a new rule. He or she is drafting the bill and becoming the bill's chief sponsor. Then a number is allocated to the bill that is valid for the current Congress session (two years) and then adopted.
Any legislation that was not approved and adopted by Congress at the end of the second session, "dies" and must be reintroduced at the next Congress.
Except the modern Czech Republic. The Carolingian Empire was a large state in Western Europe. T<span>he Frankish king </span>Charlemagne<span> was crowned emperor in </span>Rome<span> by </span>Pope Leo III<span> in an effort to revive the </span><span>Roman Empire. The territories included modern Germany and Switzerland, but Slavs (especially, Czechs) were not conquered by the king. </span>
Standing Committees
Standing committees, as it relates to the United States Congress, are permanent panels of the legislature formed by the U.S. House of Rep and Senate. As a result of their legislative jurisdiction, they monitor programs, agencies and other activities. Because of their permanent nature, they usually exist beyond the two year period of Congress meeting and have huge expertise over various policy areas.