During the Civil War, the Union raised blockades along the coastline of southern territory in order to prevent the enemy to receive supplies from allied encampments. This occurrance gave birth to <em>blockade runners, </em>which were steamboats meant to bypass blockades and reach allied territory with supplies at hand. To Georgia, the receipt of supplies would have been a major boost to the Confederation's position in war, since it would have allowed them to trade their resources with foreign nations for military equipment comparable to that of the Union's gauge.
Because it provided a major step in the fight for freedom and they got an organized group together for the first time.
yes indeed hmmh mm i see exquisite indeed so good sir
Reconstruction continued until 1877 when President Rutherford Hayes was elected. His presidency allowed the South to regain political power and indirectly facilitated practices that prevented African-Americans and other minorities from enjoying the rights granted by the 13th Amendment
They made voting faster and reduced fraud.