What happened to savings in the United States?
The saving rate went from 10% savings rate to a negative savings rate. Consumers did this by binged buying items. Consumers would buy so many things that that weren't necessary, consumers supersized everything they had, instead of saving.
Important tools for building an ethical, inclusive organizational climate include core ideology, codes of ethics, preventing and eliminating destructive behaviors, fostering diversity, socializa- tion, and training.
credits :- wikipedia
Your answer is: Many people now use the internet on the go as part of their work.
Workers can access email and the internet using a mobile device such as a laptop, mobile phone or PDA.
N an organizational structure, “chain of command” refers to a company's hierarchy of reporting relationships – from the bottom to the top of an organization, who must answer to whom. The chain of command not only establishes accountability, it lays out a company's lines of authority and decision-making power.
c. contributory negligence
Negligence occurs when a party does not do what is required of him in a given situation. It is being careless with one's responsibility.
Contributory negligence is when one does not show sufficient care for himself or is acts in such a way that contributes to an accident.
If a defendant is able to prove contributory negligence in the case of an accident the plaintiff will not be able to recover any damages.
For example if one enters a busy road when a green light for cars was on and there is an accident. He put himself in harm's way and will not be able to claim damages because he has contributory negligence