Ben has mixed up the digit for millions and hundred thousands: he wrote 5 in the place for millions and 6 in the place for hundred thousands, but it should be the other way. I think that he should exchange those two digits in the faulty report.
First let's define what modular arithmetic is, what would come is an arithmetic system for equivalence classes of whole numbers called congruence classes.
Now, the modular division is the division in modular arithmetic.
Answering the question, a modular division problem like ordinary arithmetic is not used, division by 0 is undefined. For example, 6/0 is not allowed. In modular arithmetic, not only 6/0 is not allowed, but 6/12 under module 6 is also not allowed. The reason is that 12 is congruent with 0 when the module is 6.
If AB is a tangent to the circle, the triangle ABO is right angled, as the angle where a tangent meets the circumference is always 90 degrees.
We also know that Pythogoras' theorem only holds for right angled triangles.
The hypotenuse is 12 + 8 as 12 is the radius so is 20.
16^2+12^2 = 256 + 144 = 400 = 20^2 so AB must be tangent.