Mainstreaming occurs in this particular
circumstance. What mainstreaming means is, according to Stanley Baran and Dennis Davis
authors of the book “Mass Communication Theory: Foundations, Ferment, and
Future”, that television symbols make the main source of information and influence
the most the person's view of the outside world. It makes person align more with
what TV says than maybe what is actually, objectively true. This can be
explained with the question similar to this one: Are economic austerity
measures failing? We may think they are because someone on the TV is forcing
that they are even if they are actually succeeding. That is why it is important
to critically think and look at real, objective data and for television to be
unbiased and objective as much as it can.
Answer: D. Superego
The SUPEREGO is the moralistic part of the psyche. It includes the values and morals in society that we learn from parents as well as others and develops in the phallic stage of psychosexual development.
The SUPEREGO tries to control the impulses of the more deviant ID and persuades the EGO to engage in moralistic actions.
This is why Deepak reflecting on the lessons his parents has taught him and switching to more moral actions are coming from the SUPEREGO.
Behavioral description interview.
- The unstructured interview occurs when the interviewer doesn't have a list of answers to do to the interview, or at least it's not fully structured and it goes according to the person's answers and what the interviewer still needs to know.
- In the behavioral description interview, the interviewer wants to actually know what the interviewed person has done in past situations.
- In a situational interview, the candidate is asked what would he do in hypothetical escenarios.
- Compatibility tests are used in early stages of interviewing to see if the candidate profile matches the job for which they are applying.
- Performance tests put the candidate into a heavy load of pressure to see how he/she would react.
In this question, the actual question "What was the best idea you ever sold to a supervisor, teacher, peer, or subordinate?" is actually <u>asking for information about what the person has done in the past.</u> Therefore, this is an example of a question done in a behavioral description interview.
D. A long work of commentary based on biblical principles.
The Talmud is a book of theological as well as philosophical ideals of the Jewish people, containing codes of law for them. This book forms the central text of the Judaism faith and is the primary source of the religious law of the Jewish believers.
Consisting of two parts- the Mishnah and the Gemara, it forms the whole book of the Hebrew Bible. It includes commentaries and laws, beliefs and teachings of the rabbis/ teachers, which are primarily based on the principals of the Christian Bible.