You would use home as a reference to it like can we go home and you use house as if come to my house, were is the house
Earthbound offers a number of dynamic and innovative organics recycling services to support the waste management needs of our community and environment. With Earthbound, you now have the choice of separating your organic material from your garbage and recycling, while maintaining one service provider for your pick up.
Given that Carla has already knowledge of the example from the Ecology textbook, then her reading will increase. It is called a prereading, it is a technique in which the reader will skim the text before reading it thoroughly.
Carla already has an idea on what she will be ready since she has come across the example before reading the text carefully.
In the Blackthorn key, Christopher Rowe cut the ropes binding his master's limbs after he discovered Master Benedict's body.
In the Blackthorn Key, the King’s Warden looked at the ropes that Christopher Rowe sliced from his Master Benedict’s body and asked, “Why did you cut these away?”.