The function similarity between two protein sequences is quantified by relating the term specificities of the two terms and the specificity of their common ancestor term. Using this function similarity metric, the relationship between sequence similarity and function similarity can be modeled.
To demonstrate the similarities and differences between two protein sequences, they can be compared. In order to reduce the Root Mean Square (RMS) discrepancy between the second protein and the first geometry, the second of the two proteins is rotated and translated. If switching out atom pairs would lower the RMS error, it is done. There are three ways to depict differences. The most straightforward is to create a list of the atoms whose positions differ by the most, however this is only partially useful because some protein components are very flexible, meaning that huge geometric changes may be followed by only very tiny changes in energy. Changes in bond lengths are a more significant form of variation. Considering the high force constants of covalent bonds, any substantial change in bond length.
To learn more about protein sequences click on the given link:
Option (III) .Cephalization, the clustering of neurons and interneurons in the anterior part of the animal, is apparent in <u>Planaria.</u>
What is planaria?
- Planaria is a genus of planarians in the family Planariidae.
- When an individual is cut into pieces, each piece has the ability to regenerate into a fully formed individual.
- Currently the genus Planaria is defined as freshwater triclads with oviducts that unite to form a common oviduct without embracing the bursa copulatrix and with an adenodactyl present in the male atrium.
- The testes occur along the whole body.
- Planaria originally have habitats in dark, murky water which results in such sensitivity .
- They are also sensitive to other stimuli such as chemical gradients, vibration, magnetic and electric fields .
- Their central nervous system includes the anterior (head, brain and eyes) and middle (abdominal trunk and pharynx).
To know more about planaria, refer:
B. Fossil
According to National Geographic, "Fossils are the preserved remains, or traces of remains, of ancient organisms." When you find the impression of a leaf, the leaf imprint is the preserved remains of the leaf.
Attachment is the positive emotional bond that develops between a child and a particular individual.
Dendrites are branched protoplasmic fingerlike projections extending from a nerve cell whose main function is to communicate the electrochemical stimulation(message) received from other neural cells to the cell body, or soma, of the neuron from which the dendrites project.