Pelican's debt ratio 9%
Timberland's debt ratio 50%
The times interest earned ratio for Pelican 57.5
The times interest earned ratio for Timberland 10.45
C is correct as Pelican has 57.5 times interest earned ratio while Timberland only 10.45 other words,earnings of Timberland is more volatile.
D is also correct ,since it has financial leverage of 50.46% as against Pelican financial leverage of 9.17%
The operating margin for Pelican is 14.76% while the operating margin for Timberland is 13.8%
Return on total assets for Pelican is 36.9% and that of its competitor is 34.5%
The return on equity for Pelican 40.6% and that of Timberland is 69.6%
C is correct as Pelican is more profitable than Timberland as shown by the higher net profit margin and return on assets
B is correct, even though Pelican is more profitable (higher net profitmargin), Timberland has a higher ROE than Pelican due to the additional financial leverage risk.
All of the ratios requested for are found in the attached spreadsheet.