D the workship of his boddies
The answer should be A) sensory images illustrating the speakers island heritage
do. You need a present tense ( a simple verb at that)
Did is past
done is also past as in Done meaning completed after it was started a while ago.
to do is an infinitive. You need a simple present tense verb. To go where no man has gone before.
To do what no one has attempted before.
In A: it should be "I was" not "I were".
In B: it should be "lately you appear" not "you appears"
in C: this is correct! the subject is in agreement with the verb, and this is the correct answer.
in D: it should be "you are"
Copying another artist's work can be a wonderful way to learn, get inspired, get ideas, honor an influence you love, and create something new. All art is a mash up of ideas, and we can all influence and inspire each other, so long as we are creating and sharing from a place of honesty and transparency.
A good artist simply copies another person's art. A great artist selectively takes (steals) elements from multiple sources and then creatively combines their influences to create something that is uniquely their own.