Dealing with traffic related issues
The police officer are primarily charged with the primary responsibilities of maintaining law and order in any given society.
from the police officer's perspective when I get pulled for a traffic stop it is expected that
- as a first rule is to always be polite to the officer. Greet the officer with a warm and friendly smile as this will lower his or her fears.
- Always follow instructions and give the officer your license, registration and insurance information when they ask for it.
- Treat the officer with respect and courtesy.
- Always remove your sunglasses and maintain eye contact with the officer. Most law enforcement officials view this as a sign that you are being truthful.
- Remain as inconspicuous as possible. If the officer doesn’t remember certain aspects of the incident, this can work to your advantage in court.
The additional two (2) things you need to do make traffic stop go smoothly are:
1) Ensure you maintain a high sense of dutifulness in cause of performing your responsibility,
2) Ensure you put on a user friendly welcome to the road users this help to make them feel safe and secured.
Run directory services
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an open protocol used to access some information, information that is stored in a network, the information is organized hierarchical structure, we could find some data like names, directories, and telephone numbers.
With other options, we can find DHCP to assign IP addresses and to resolve IP addresses to host names, we have the DNS.
The following is written in Java. It creates the function num_eights and uses recursion to check how many times the digit 8 appears in the number passed as an argument. A test case has been created in the main method and the output can be seen in the image below highlighted in red.
public static int num_eights(int pos){
if (pos == 0)
return 0;
if (pos % 10 == 8)
return 1 + num_eights(pos / 10);
return num_eights(pos / 10);
A workflow consists of an orchestrated and repeatable pattern of business activity enabled by the systematic organization of resources into processes that transform materials, provide services, or process information.
Create a detailed outline of what you want to achieve and sketch a workflow diagram before using workflow chart software or templates. This will help to ensure your chart is accurate and complete. Always consider your process and workflow manageability when inserting logic in your workflow chart. You can use decision symbols, connectors and text boxes. Always confirm the accuracy of your workflow chart with other stakeholders.
(If you need to know what the workflow diagrams layout is just look it up. GL.)