The north had more population, a grater industrial base, and more wealth
Northern states saw slavery as cruel and agianst humanity. Southern states saw slavery as the economic backbone of their economy and felt it was necessary.
It accommodated many groups in Mexican society, including business and military leaders, peasants, and while they were keeping real power in their own hands.
Explanation: The PRI was effective in implementing many economic and social reforms in Mexico, but not through liberal democracy. It redistributed land to peasants, supported labor unions, built an education system open to all Mexicans, and nationalized oil. On the other hand, it instituted essentially a single-party system and cracked down on all political opposition.
Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime enacts the Nuremberg Race laws- 1935
Nazi officials hold the Wannsee Conference to arrive at the “final solution” to “the Jewish problem” in Europe- 1942
Nazi officials hold the Wannsee Conference to arrive at the “final solution” to “the Jewish problem” in Europe- 1938
1935 happened first
1938 happened second
1942 happened third