<span>Benchmark fractions are created when we make two different fractions have the same numerator or denominator. In thisi case, we will produce the same denominator. The LCM of 10 and 12 is 60. So the fractions become 42/60 and 25/60. Since the fraction with the larger numerator has a larger value when the denominators are the same, 7/10 is larger than 5/12.</span>
It's 18/100. The reduced / simplest form is 9/50 because you divide it by 2 since it's the GCS.
In short, the set formed by the negative integers, the number zero and the positive integers (or natural numbers) is called the set of integers. Integer is also known as a whole number.
1/5 (150x - 80y + 50 - 50x - 25y + 20) = 20x - 21y + 14
what I did is combined the like terms and multiplied each term within the parenthesis by .2