answer is "is there an early pay discount"
twos complement value is (-2^15 -1) -32768 to 32767.
excess notation value is -32768 to 32767.
unsigned binary value is (2^16) 0 to 65535
Excess notation: used to represent signed integers. Always uses fixed number of bits with leftmost representing the sign.
Twos complement notation: As opposed to excess notation, a sign bit of 0 is used to represent the non-negative (+) sign and a 1 for the negative (-); again, zero is included in the non-negative set.
Unsigned Binary values: are binary values/bits that don't have signs
What will I have to sacrifice if I buy this laptop
Emma by asking herself this question will scale her preference as well as compare her opportunity cost in determining if purchasing the laptop is importance to her at the moment and of what other thing will she be willing to sacrifice just so she could buy herself a laptop, and how the purchase would still be within her projected budget.
The following code was written in Javascript. It asks the user to enter the values for each of the variables and saves it to them. Then it uses those values to calculate the total number of pizzas needed to feed everyone at the party. Finally, it prints out the total to the screen as an alert. Both test cases were used and the outputs can be seen in the attached images below.
var slicesPerPizza = window.prompt("How many slices per pizza?");
var slicesPerPerson = window.prompt("How many slices per person?");
var totalPersons = window.prompt("How many total people will attend?");
var pizzasNeeded = Math.round((slicesPerPerson * totalPersons) / slicesPerPizza)
alert(`You need a total of ${pizzasNeeded} pizzas.`)
A support agent who feels that a user needs substantial assistance with the organization of files on their PC should p<span>oint the user to useful information about file organization.
Given that the user needs substantial assistance, the support agent cannot just simply explain to them what they need to do. He does, however, need to tell them where they can learn about what they need to know.