hi earlier u told me to answer ur question but i couldn't respond in the comments cos it said something went wrong
do i answer this question seriously or is this answer good?? srry im kinda dûmb T-T
An algorithm for a problem provides the set of instructions that are required to solve a problem.It does not provide the full code.It is like an abstract solution of a problem.It is just like a recipe for cooking a dish.It will not cook food for you but can tell you how to cook.
Since it provides the action to be executed hence the answer is True.
This statement is correct.
If a function does not have any parameters, then we can create the variable inside the function which will be private and call the function from the main function.
If we specify any return type like int, float or char, etc then we need to declare a return value from the function.
But If we specify the Void then we don't need to return value inside the function, we can directly print the value inside function.
void add()
int a=7;
int b=9;
int c=a+b;
System.out.println("the added value is :"+c);
Explanation: Should be right, someone else got it right.
Following are the program in c#
using System; // namespace system
using System.Collections.Generic; // namespace collection
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace test // namespace
class Program1 // class
static void Main(string[] args) // Main function
double nMiles, nKm;
Console.Write("Enter Value In Miles : ");
nMiles =Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
nKm = (nMiles / 0.62137);
Console.WriteLine("Value In Miles :" + nMiles);
Console.WriteLine("Value In KM :" + nKm);
Case A-
Enter Value In Miles : 10
Value In Miles : 10
Value In KM : 16.09347
Case B-
Enter Values In Miles : 3.25
Value In Miles : 3.25
Value In KM : 5.230378
Here we take a input value in "nMiles" variable and converted into a Km. that will stored in "nkm" variable . To convert miles into km we use calculative formula Km=(miles/0.62137). This formula convert the entered value into km and finally print the value of miles and km miles variable.