When we say dependent, it is a person who relies on another for financial support. Usually a dependent relies on another family member. In terms of economics, geography, demography and sociology, dependency ratio is an age-population ratio of those. Dependents are those individuals who are not in the labor force aging 0 to 14 and 65+. The labor force are those who are the productive ones whose age are in the range of 15 to 64. These are also those who qualify as taxpayer’s dependents. Those who are considered dependents are normally, a child, non-working spouse, parent, brother, brother or sister.
Hypothetical - deductive reasoning
Hypothetical - deductive reasoning -
It is a type of hypothesis , which enables to correct some hypothesis , by giving some new and innovative idea , is referred to as Hypothetical - deductive reasoning .
It helps to predict some alternative to resolve a certain issue ,
Hence, from the question,
David mind is flooded with great ideas to repair the car , thereby demonstrating Hypothetical-deductive reasoning .
D. a game in which players act in rational, selfminusinterested ways that leave everyone worse off
The prisoners dilemma involves the idea that both people would act in self interests, but this self interests would not help the other one or the group to have a better outcome, so people is acting in detriment of the society or the other participant, it often happens that both people chose to protect themselves damaging the other person, and thus since both had choosen that option both are worse off after it.
Germany searched for an alliance with mexico and plans to invade America, but the telegram was intercepted by the US, further adding tension between America and Germany.
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