It means that even the smallest thoughts can lead to bad things for a person if they allow those thoughts to control them.
Alternative explanation
The alternative explanation is considered to be in all of the outcomes of the evaluation. These evaluations are formal or informal. There are many investigators, researchers, and managers that should be scrutinized outcomes for evaluations and the explanation so that new further information. The app-rant outcomes may be reflected by the methodological issues for example selection bias.
Thus in the above explanation people who have more than two cars have bigger homes. and have more money. So that people think that people who have a car garage and a bigger house have more money but the researcher here failed to eliminate the alternative explanation.
The Kulaks were wealthy farmers in the Soviet Union. Colllectivization meant the collection of private goods, especially land, and handing them over to the state so that they are governed by the whole society.
Collectivisation would mean that the Kulaks would be deprived of their goods, so they naturally opposed it.
Deviance occurs in all societies and serves important societal functions.
Deviance is a term used to refer to individual behavior different from the behavior of a social group to which that individual belongs. This term often refers to bad behaviors such as crime and psychopathy, but according to sociology, deviance occurs in all societies and serves important societal functions.