No one could possibly know, unfortunately.
A. Is the page-replacement algorithm most often implemented.
This algorithm is used when a page that is not present in memory is called, leading to the Operating System to replace one of the existing pages with the needed one. There are different replacing algorithms in order to decide which page will be replaced.
This algorithm is implemented to reduce the number of failures and provide a better funcionality and speed the process by discarding pages that won't be used for a long period of time.
Information Technology (IT) has revolutionized the way organizations conduct business by enabling small and medium businesses to level the playing field with larger organizations. Small businesses use an array of technology based on everything from computer server stations to portable mobile devices to expand competitive advantages in the global economic marketplace and marketing environment. So, small & medium business organizations owners are considering implementing information technology (IT) in their planning process for streamlined integration. Thus, this process is leading to future business expansion locally as well as globally. This decision allows proprietors to create smooth business operations using the most effective information technology available. On the other hand, the Internet has further linked the overseas suppliers of goods and services and their buyers. During the e-commerce era, internet traffic is increasing day by day, and e-commerce business is in the hyper growth stage. Information technology tremendously helps to boost the expansion of the current and future of marketing environment; communication technology became faster than ever. Though, globalization creates a little challenge for multinational companies to share resources and knowledge across a number of businesses inside and outside the country. Outsourcing and freelancer ease this challenge because multinational companies recruit talent freelancers and outsource their projects to the highly expert vendors and then the works are done through the team of people very effectively and efficiently.
Probably "compress", but these days the common answer is "upload to cloud".
Compressing the files is an easy way to reduce their size, unless most of the size is in already compressed, high-entropy formats (like mp3, jpeg or mp4).
The common compression format is .ZIP - you've probably seen it countless times, but other ways like RAR, 7Z are also popular, while Linux users mostly deal with tar.gz, tar.bz2 or tar.xz
On the other hand, the standard practice these days is to upload the presentation to a cloud service, like GSheets or Office PowerPoint 365, which gets rid of the limits of email filesize, while providing a convenient web-app way to view the presentation without downloading (and it doesn't clutter their inbox space or hard drives)! Alternatively, one other way to email any large file (not just a presentation) includes uploading it to some service like DropBox, GDrive or anything similar.
The buttons depend on what version of MS
Office he is using. Assuming Eric is using Powerpoint 2013, he must press the following:
1st Slide: Insert > New Slide >
Title Only
2nd Slide: Insert > New Slide > Comparison > Click on "Pictures" icon > Browse > Click selected picture > Insert > Delete text box saying "Click to add title" > Insert another picture using same procedures above > Add captions
3rd slide: Insert > New Slide > Two
Content > <span>Click on "Picture" icon > Browse > Click selected picture > Insert 3 more pictures > Click textbox "Click to add title" </span>