The answer and procedures of the exercise are attached in the following archives.
You will find the procedures, formulas or necessary explanations in the archive attached below. If you have any question ask and I will aclare your doubts kindly.
Quota rent
When voluntary export restraints (VER) are set up and / or import quotas are enforced, the extra profit that domestic producers make because the supply is artificially limited is called quota rent. Quota rents are a type of economic inefficiency since they produce more losses than benefits. Society as a whole generally losses while a group of favored companies make huge profits.
For example, sugar imports are limited in the US, so domestic sugar producers are able to sell sugar at much higher prices than regular international prices. That artificial extra profit earned by sugar companies in the US can be classified as quota rent.
Cybernetic approach
Cybernetic approach is the method or the approach for exploring the system of the regulatory, its possibilities, structures and constraints. It involve the study of derived concepts, feedback and black boxes like the communication and the control in business and living organisms, involving the self - organization.
Therefore, when the communication is investigated at the workplace through finding the optimal methods which is set up for the communication network system for the employees who telecommute, states the cybernetic method to communication.