They are necessary for co-ordination.
The both systems brings about co-ordination, thought there are some basic differences between them. Many organs in an animals system have organs to carry out activities like locomotion, digestion, respiration and excretion. The activities of each organ system must be co-ordinated with those of other systems; and with conditions in the external and internal environments of the animal.
Unlike the endocrine system, the nervous system works rapidly. Messages are carried mainly as electric impulses along nerves triggering immediate response from target organs.
The hypothalamus is the important link between these two systems.
This is because all the macromolecule shown is contain in carbohydrates
<span>A stem is one of two main structural axes of a vascular plant. The stem is normally divided into nodes and internodes, the nodes hold buds which grow into one or more leaves, inflorescence (flowers), cones or other stems etc. The internodes act as spaces that distance one node from another.</span>
It should be taken into consideration the presence of frameshift mutations. Frameshift mutation, due to addition or deletion of a base, results in the change of reading frame and consequently in changed protein. But it is known that 3 nucleotides on mRNA code for the specific amino acid. If the number of inserted or deleted nucleotides is 3, it will result in the absence<span> of only 1 amino acid which is not expected to drastically change protein sequence.
Knowing all this, it can be concluded the following:
<span>-/-/+/-/- <u>OK </u>- Due to 4 deletions and 1 insertion, effectively only 3 nucleotides are missing.
</span>+/-/+ <u>Not OK</u> - Due to 1 deletion and 2 insertions, effectively only 1 nucleotide is added leading to the frameshift mutation.
+/-/+/- <u>OK </u>- Due to 2 deletions and 2 insertions, a number of nucleotides remain the same.
+/+/-/+ <u>Not OK</u> - Due to 1 deletion and 3 insertions, effectively only 2 nucleotides are added and the frameshift mutation occurs.
-/+ <u>OK </u>- Due 1 deletion and 1 insertion, a number of nucleotides remain the same.
<span>- <u>Not OK</u> - Due to 1 deletion, the frameshift mutation occurs.
</span>-/-/-/-/-/- <u>OK </u>- <span>Due to 6 deletions, it will be deleted 2 amino acids and the protein will be nearly normal.</span>
<span>+/+/+ <u>OK </u>- Due to 3 insertions, 1 amino acid will be added in excess.
</span>-/- <u>Not OK</u> - Due to 2 deletions, the frameshift mutation occurs.