Gregor Mendel discovered the principles that governs heredity. In one of his experiments, he discovered that an organism receives two forms of a gene called ALLELE from each parent. He realized that one allele is capable of masking the expression of its variant pair in a gene. He called the allele that masks or is expressed, DOMINANT allele while the allele that is masked, RECESSIVE allele. He termed this principle the LAW OF DOMINANCE.
The above explained law of dominance is what applies in the question here. When the homozygous round allele and wrinkled allele were crossed, the allele for round seeds are dominant over the allele for wrinkled seeds (recessive) i.e. in a heterozygous state (combination of the different alleles), the round allele will mask the phenotypic expression of the wrinkled allele, expressing itself over it.
Novobiocin target DNA GYRASE of gram positive bacteria.
Novobiocin is a bacteriostatic(slow down bacteria growth) or bactericidal i.e it kills bacteria , narrow spectrum antibiotics that target DNA GYRASE of gram positive bacteria. It acts by inhibiting the bacteria DNA gyrase hydrolysis thereby by interfering with the metabolic activities of bacteria. It is also a weak catalytic inhibitor of mammalian. Novobiocin inhibit DNA gyrase and topoIV by binding to the ATP pocket of GyrB and ParE, respectively.The Streptomyces strain that produces Novobiocin and it is more effective on gram positive bacteria that gram negative bacteria because gram negative bacteria are resistant to it.
Carbon dioxide has also increased over the last 100 years-- from about 300 ppm to 370 ppm.
It’s a function that restates the main argument also as an important evidence
D. increasing the number of mitochondria
The mitochondria are membrane-bound cellular organelles found in the cell of an eukaryote. Mitochondrion is responsible for the production of energy since the process which releases the energy (cellular respiration) occurs in it.
In an experimental procedure whereby the amount of energy which is produced by a cell is about to be increased will involve the increase of the number of mitochondria in that cell. Since more mitochondria means more energy production.