The reasons why nurses often need Physical strength and stamina include:
• At work, nurses are faces with physical tasks and their job is a very demanding one. Having a better overall fitness will be of immense benefit to nurses as it'll help them perform the physical tasks they encounter effectively. Some of these tasks include moving of medical equipments, transferring of patients etc.
• Also, improving ones fitness which will ultimately bring about the improvement in physical strength and stamina is vital as it makes the patients look up to one as a role model and this could be essential in them practicing good healthy habits which ultimately improves their health.
A (As the x-values go to positive infinity, the functions values go to positive infinity)
As the x-values go to positive infinity, that means they are going to the right, and as they go further to the right the y-values decrease but then increase and don’t stop increasing
Keeps them warm if you are talking about manes
Non-target organisms (NTO) are species not targeted for control using a particular Cry protein expressed in transgenic plants, but may become exposed to it by feeding directly on plant tissues or indirectly on herbivores or parasites, or by direct ingestion via the environment, such as in the soil or water