Archibold, started using kites to lift anemometers to measure wind speed at various altitudes. Meteorological observatories around the world used kites to lift instruments thousands of feet into the air. This gave a great deal of information about the atmosphere, and vastly improved the weather forecasting of the time.
When we talk about the skies above China, we are often referring to topics like pollution or busy airlines. But beneath the clouds there is a Chinese art form that has glided through history. This ancient relic brings the colors and patterns of the ancient dynasties to the city skies of modern China and the world. It's the famous Chinese kite and its long history of cultural significance begins thousands of years ago
What really causes the fight is the fact that the Montagues and Capulets hate each other. They hate each other so much that even their servants hate one another. It is these servants who are the immediate cause of the fight. Sampson and Gregory (Capulet servants) are walking along when some Montague servant come out.