The correct answer is "An iamb consists of a unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable". A specific metrical foot used in poetry is the iamb, which is characterized by words following the order of a unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Examples of words that follow the iambic parameter are “attain,” “portray,” and “describe”.
The myth explains why mulberries are red.
At the beginning, the mulberries are "snow white", but when Thisbe kills herself at the end she falls on the mulberry bush and the myth explains that this is why the berries "reddens at its ripeness", because of the tragedy of Pyramus and Thisbe.
The controversy that surrounds the novel "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is particularly due to the fact that schools and libraries across the US have been drawn into debates about censorship context included int the novel , the regional dialects and the stereotypes of African American lives shown in the novel. Mark Twain included words in this novel, that has been previously noted as offensive, to properly pro tray the southern lifestyle and these words included have therefore helped to cause the controversy over it. These terms, if not understood as an element of realism, can be inappropriate or disturbing for young readers to have read. Characters in the novel also follow stereotypes of the African American lifestyle that can be seen as an insult if the reader doesn't understand the author's intention of displaying those stereotypes. Twain uses satire in the novel to show the social injustices of the 1900's and if the reader doesn't understand the intentions of the author by including it, it can be seen as highly offensive, and inappropriate, causing a spark of controversy.
It tells us about his greed and his behavior of having gold more than any thing else