A.) He should total the votes for each of the options and plot these five values in a chart.
Here's what i think.
Tides can be extremely dangerous, in some places, high tide will flood caves which people otherwise wouldn't notice as flood-able. Knowing the tides can save lives of Spelunkers (people who explore caves). Another example is sailing. The tides can be important because tide can determine if your boat will be smashed against rocks, or if it is safe to dock!
When an acyl group is being transferred from the cytosol to the mitochondria for oxidation, the order of the enzymes it encounters is
CPT-I Carnitine Translocase : CPT -II
CPT-I and CPT-II are crucial for the beta-oxidation of long-chain fatty acids in the mitochondria by enabling their transport across the mitochondrial membrane.
To know more CPT I and CPT II about here