<em>By increasing volume of trade and also increasing the geographical range of preexisting and newly active trade networks.</em>
Improvement in transportation technologies in post classical era led to an increase in the amount of goods and people that could be ferried along trade route. It also facilitated the discovery and usage of new trade routes which would otherwise not be passable due to previous transportation technologies. Improvement in commercial practices like adoption of new languages and an agreement of payment modes also made trading with other people possible.
some of these post classical era trade routes that shaped transportation technology and commercial practices improvement includes the silk trade route in the Asia, the trans Saharan trade route in Africa and the Indian ocean trade route among others.
correct answers would be A,B, and C.
Answer: Please refer to:
primary sources:
- Congressional Record, Daily Digest of Senate
Committee Meetings
- the ship’s logbook of explorer Vasco da Gama,
- the autobiography My Early Life by Winston
- The Letters of John and Abigail Adams, Penguin
Classics, 2003
secondary sources:
-The American Senate: An Insider’s History by
Neil McNeil and Richard A. Baker
- the PBS documentary John and Abigail
-Churchill The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill by
William Manchester and Paul Reid
-an article about the age of exploration in
Smithsonian magazine
Not sure but hope it helps.
1. Moctezuma II welcomed the Spanish, thinking that Cortes was the human incarnation of the god Quetzalcoatl
2. Cortes and his man brought smallpox to the city of Tenochtitlan, killing many Aztec
3. Cortes established alliances with enemies of the Aztec such as the Tlaxcalans
4. Cortes marched up the coast of Mexico and conquered the territory of Veracruz
When the Spanish arrived in Mexico, the Aztecs were thinking that they were deities, and that Cortes is a human incarnation of Quetzalcoatl, with the main reason for that being that they looked much different and came with ships from where the legend said that Quetzalcoatl will one day return. The Spanish used this in their advantage and left the Aztecs to think that way, bringing them in their capital and making them familiar with it, but also brought smallpox with in the city, killing off the Aztecs. Cortes and his men were hungry for gold, and the Aztecs had lot of it. The Spanish understood that most of the people conquered by the Aztecs hated them, so they made alliances with them in order to attack them and take over their empire. Together, the Spanish and the local people managed to defeat the Aztecs and took over their territory, marking the beginning of the Spanish empire in the New World.