The money that the individual earns for making an expense or saving affects the economy of the country as it is used for measuring the per ...
Top answer
· Sentences are given in the simple present tense. Change them into the simple past tense. 1. I drink coffee in the morning. 2. She works at a bank. 3. My father runs a small grocery store. 4. My sister lives abroad. 5. She earns a living by writing stories. 6. He wants to be an engineer. 7. Mother cooks delicious pasta every Sunday. 8.
the first 2 focus on monotheism
The drawings, in turn, may represent the sounds that early humans generated in those spots. ... Cave artists were thus not just early-day Monets, drawing impressions of the outdoors at their leisure. Rather, they may have been engaged in a process of communication.
If you mean the percentage of 23/12 it accumulates to 191.6%
If you mean 2312 it's 231.2% as 2,312 out of 1,000 equals 231.2%