Number two is the draft and number five is no, he is not fulfilling his duty as a us citizen
Answer:This process is called reconciliation
Not reliable
Reliability: In psychological research, the term reliability is defined as the stability or constancy of a specific measuring test, experiment, or research study.
Example: If a researcher is conducting a particular research and gets a particular result ten if the same research is being conducted after a time interval then he or she would expect the same result and if gets the same result then the research would be considered as reliable and if not then it would be considered as not reliable.
In the question above, the given statement means that the experiment is not reliable.
I would go to Walmart eat a tostito slap a donkey and steal someone's chicken nuggies
I like chicken nuggies
Answer: The Romans
Explanation: I think the Romans were the greatest of the civilizations up until this point in history. Even after its fall, Rome still lived, not only with the Byzantine empire, but also on the influence it has left on our current world. The Romans were very advanced, and we have them to thank for our democratic form of government. Not only that, but they were skilled in warfare, more so than other civilization. They were able to control all of the Mediterranean Sea. With these skills, and the imprint they have left on Europe and the world, it can be concluded that Rome is therefore the greatest civilization thus far.