
<u>Solution Steps:</u></h2><h3><em>- Steps using the quadratic formula - </em></h3>
1.) <u>Subtract n² from both sides:</u></h3>
2.) <u>Rewrite:</u></h3>
<em>This equation is in standard form: ax² + bx² + c = 0. Substitute 1 for a, 0 for b, and (m-n) (m+n) for c in the quadratic formula, </em>
<em> </em>2.a) <u>Turns into:</u>
3.) <u>Square 0:</u></h3>
<em>(Also means it Cancels out.)</em>
4.) <u>Take the square root of −4(m−n)(m+n):</u></h3>
<em>This just means combine them by squaring. </em>
<em> (Half it, don't square it.)</em>
<em> </em>4a.)<em> </em><u>Our equation should look like this now:</u>
5.) </u><u>Solve the equation using </u><u>
<em>Solve the equation </em>
<em> </em>5a.) <em> </em><u><em>Solve the equation when </em></u><u><em>± </em></u><u><em>is plus:</em></u>
5b.) <em> </em><u><em>Solve the equation when </em></u><u><em>± </em></u><u><em>is minus:</em></u>
Hope this helps!
If you have any questions, or need help with anything else, feel free to ask! I'm happy to help!
- TotallyNotTrillex -