Scientists have several means of communicating the result of their research study with other scientists. One of this method is publishing. Scientists can publish their research findings in peer reviewed journals, this will allow other scientists to read about the study and its is outcomes.
Scientists can also present the results of their research study at national and international conferences.
For the first half of your question, plants do need to eat. In fact, they are autotrophs, which means they are self feeders.
Life is defined as the following, the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
Liver and Pancreas
Liver and Pancreas play an important role in maintaining blood sugar homeostasis
The pancreas has cells called Islets of Langerhans which release insulin and glucagon which are responsible for maintaining blood sugar levels.
Liver too plays an important role in the regulation of blood sugar levels by releasing glucose in response to glucagon.