Character command shows the status.
The correct answer to this question is "Name".
In the programming language, the object is a part of the object-oriented programming language (oops).In all (oops) programming language we use class and object. where class is a collection of data member and member function, and object is a real-world entity. An Object is an instance of a Class. When a class is created, no memory is assigned but when we create the object of the class then memory is allocated.
In this question except option (d), all options are wrong.
circle with radius and colour red
Some of the benefits of sharing a workbook include:
A. Shared information between students (ie: Mary writes a note about (blank) in the workbook and John reads said note and receives addition information about (blank)).
B. ^adding onto this, discussion on interpretations of a passage (ie: John thinks (blank) means this and Mary thinks (blank) means other thing, through notes they can discuss the meaning of the text.
Hope this helps. =)