A syndrome involving the compression of nerves and blood vessels due to swelling within the enclosed space created by the fascia that separate groups of muscles is known as Compartment Syndrome
Muscle groups of the human limbs are categorized into sections or compartments. So compartment syndrome occurs when there is an increased pressure within a compartment which compromises circulation and function to the tissues within that area which results in swelling of that specific area
ask more questions to open up and definitely confront the problem to her so you guys can work it out because if you don't and you both keep holding back it's not finna help nun so just go to her talk to her get out of you comfort zone. make the first moves yk don't hold back communication is key.
Primary intention- wound healing with skin edges that are approximated, risk of infection is low, healing occurs quickly with minimal scar formation as long as infection and secondary breakdown is prevented (similar to a surgical wound)
Most common = Acute wounds; minimal tissue loss = surgical wounds and superficial partial thickness (abrasions/blisters)
Secondary Intention This type of healing is in wounds with extensive tissue loss/infection & wounds in which the edges cannot be approximated (closed). Would is left open and granulation tissue gradually fills in the deficit. Susceptible to infection. Wet to dry dressings. Ex: Pressure Ulcer Associated w/ pathology = diabetes, ischemia, pressure damage in inflammation (Neuropathic, arterial, venous, full thickness, chronic inflammation) Require ongoing wound care - larger scares
300 to 400 I hope that helps
The following broad ethical principles are based on social work's core values of service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human Page 2 2 relationships, integrity, and competence. These principles set forth ideals to which all social workers should aspire.
hope it was helpful