<h2>b) Anaphase II of meiosis
1. Meiosis is the process of cell division in which one cell is divided into four daughter cell, each contains equal number of chromosome, half the number of chromosomes as compared to parental cell.
2. In meiosis I, DNA duplication occurs but the sister chromatids are not separated, only homologous pair of chromosomes are separated, so this is called reductional division.
3. In meiosis II, chromatids are pulled apart and and are separated into different chromosomes, so it is called equational division. There is no DNA duplication in meiosis II.
The conditions which are most favorable for the formation of radiation fog are warm, moist air over low flat land areas,on clear, calm nights.
Radiation fog is most prevalent during the winter and fall; it usually forms overnight as the air closest air to the ground cool down. When the cooling makes the air to reach saturation point, radiation fog will formed.
If we produced by mitosis then everyone would be the same. The would be no genetic differentiation. Because in meiosis, germ cells cross over and create zygotes with unique dna.
While both will equate changes in a genetic chain, deletion would have more severe consequences. A substitution mutation usually only causes minor disorders and diseases, like sickle cell anemia. Whereas deletion causes much more serious diseases, like cystic fibrosis, and turner syndrome which is where a female is born with only one X chromosome.