its fun to answer other people's questions when you know the answer and when you don't you can use Google and still get points for it. that's always fun is feeling smart. or you get help from others on questions you can either type up your question or take a picture of it!! there's many benefits.
unlike other apps like Socratic it only knows some answers in math class and history, but here there's smart people out there that are able to answer almost any questions for you, there's always someone in the world that knows on here!
1. Identifiability (and measurability)
2. Accessibility
3. Responsiveness
1. Identifiability
- the target market must be identifiable to determine which of the
consumers belong to the segment. The target market must be well-
defined and measurable, particularly in terms of population, income, and
age bracket.
2. Accessibility
- this refers to the ease of reaching the identified market segment in terms
of geography and economy with appropriate market strategies.
3. Responsiveness
- the target market should be evaluated if they will respond (i.e. purchase)
the products and services created for them. There is little point in
identifying a market, creating a product, and developing marketing
strategies if the consumers themselves see little value in what is being
offered to them. Thus, the products and services must meed the
consumers' or organizations' needs.
Answer: D. There was a one-way flow of wealth favoring the colonizers.
With the Colonists simply taking resources and not paying the colonies for it, there was a one way flow of wealth which favored them alone. Had the colonists paid for the goods and then processed them for resale (as developed countries do now), there would have been at least some sort of wealth flowing back to the colonies for the resources they possessed. The Colonists were essentially not paying for raw material inputs for production and simply reaped all the benefits after processing.
Consider cash movement in purchase and sale of capital assets only.
<u>Cash flow from investing activities :</u>
Proceeds from sale of equipment $296000
Net Cash Provided by investing activities $296000
The net cash provided by investing activities during 2021 is $296000.
B) did not file the complaint within 45 days of the event.
Time limits matter and in this case Catherine should have approached the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission before.
All she can do now is wait until next April and if her work is not properly recognized at that moment, then she should immediately file a complaint (at least before the 45 day limit expires).