Well thats false. They are only notes, not extra details.
b. lw $t4, 4($t0)
c. add $t3, $t5, $t4
Pipeline hazard prevents other instruction from execution while one instruction is already in process. There is pipeline bubbles through which there is break in the structural hazard which preclude data. It helps to stop fetching any new instruction during clock cycle.
piston engine uses the crankshaft to convert the reciprocating motion of the
piston into rotary motion.
crankshaft is used to convert reciprocating motion of the piston into rotary
motion, while the conversion process is called torque, which is a twisting
force. Aside from crankshaft, there are a total of four parts of the engine
that work together in order to convert the reciprocating motion into rotary
motion namely cylinder, or also called the chamber of the piston, the piston itself,
and the connecting rod.</span>