3. Over-the-counter medicines - Known as OTC or nonprescription medicine. All these terms refer to medicine that you can buy without a prescription.
4. Drug misuse - The use of a substance for a purpose not consistent with legal or medical guidelines
5. Side effect - A secondary, typically undesirable effect of a drug or medical treatment.
6. Tolerance - The ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.
7. Drug abuse - the habitual taking of addictive or illegal drugs.
8. Marijuana - A psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant used primarily for medical or recreational purposes.
9. THC- Tetrahydrocannabinol; It can treat or prevent nausea and vomiting caused by cancer medications when other medications do not work.
10. Amnesia - Partial or total loss of memory.
11. Anabolic steroids - A type of steroid that is used in medicine to repair body tissues and to increase appetite and the growth of muscles.
12. Narcotics - A substance used to treat moderate to severe pain,but more commenly used to referre medically to anypsychoactive compound with sleep-inducing properties, and euphoric properties as well.
13. Opium - A dried latex obtained from the seed capsules of the opium poppy Papaver somniferum.
14.Euphoria - An extreme, unrealistic feeling of physical and emotional well-being, feeling "high."
15. Withdrawal symptoms - anxiety, fatigue, sweating, vomiting, depression, seizures, and hallucinations- all of this due to stopping or reducing intake of a drug.
16. Stimulants - A substance that raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body.
17. Amphetamine- A central nervous system stimulant marketed under the brand name Evekeo, among others. It is used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,and obesity.
18. Binge - A period of excessive indulgence in an activity, especially eating, drinking, or taking drugs.
19. CNS depressants- Nervous System depressants sum drugs that can slow brain activity, making them useful for treating anxiety, panic, acute stress reactions, and sleep disorders.
20. Hallucinogens - A drug or (Drugs) that causes hallucinations
21. Inhalants - A medicinal preparation for inhaling; and a solvent or other material producing vapor that is inhaled by drug abusers.